A Trusted Toddler Learning Center in Gilbert, AZ

Our Toddler Program

Our toddler program provides a stimulating environment where your toddler will also feel safe and secure.

The Learning Center understands young children require an environment which is especially responsive to individual needs and the desires of children to learn by doing. Toddlers are active learners who learn simple concepts and build on them to tackle more complex tasks and ideas. For example, toddlers learn objects have weight, volume, color and texture by using all of their senses. Additionally, they possess an abundance of energy and that energy will last all day long, as they display independence by insisting on doing everything by themselves.

Our toddler program focuses on exploration, social and language development, and spiritual growth in a kind and loving atmosphere. We offer developmentally appropriate experiences in art, music, Bible, reading, language, science and math. Our staff demonstrates Christ’s love through nurturing and daily activities. Spiritual concepts are woven throughout daily activities. They will discover God’s incredible love for them and begin to feel His love, which creates a foundation for learning how to love others.

Children are steered to follow a set schedule and routine. We assist them in acquiring learning and problem solving skills while expanding their thinking. We focus on helping young children gain self-esteem, exhibit positive attitudes and demonstrate affirmative social skills by encouraging them to help one another, equipping them with vocabulary to express themselves and allowing opportunities for cooperation.

Program Options:

  • 5 day (Monday through Friday)
  • 3 day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • 2 day (Tuesday, Thursday)
  • Full Day – up to 10 hours
  • Half Day – up to 6 hours
  • *You can choose between Full Day or Half Day

East Valley Learning Center is open year-round from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM